log lic claim history
Login to your LIC policy to check the claim history and bank details. To do this, you’ll need your LIC policy login details and your email id and password. Once you’ve logged in, you can view the details of your policy. If you need to make changes to your LIC insurance policies, you can visit the LIC Customer Portal to do so. After you’ve logged in, you can easily access your claim history and bank account information, as well as change any of your LIC policy’s details.
To log into your LIC policy, go to the LIC website. To log in, enter your User ID and password. Next, click on “Log in to LIC” on the home page. If you’ve already purchased a policy, you’ll need to enter your login credentials to access your claims history and bank account information. In some cases, you may need to input your registered cell number or url. Once you’ve verified your account and password, you’ll have access to your policy’s details.
Once you’ve created an account, you can access your LIC Claim history and bank account details. You can even manage your username and password. You can also access your policy’s premium payment details online. If you don’t want to log in through the website, you can also log in through your employer. You can also update your investment information. If you have a life insurance policy, you should make sure you’re up-to-date on your payments.