find lic premium due calendar

LIC Premium Due Calendar

If you have not yet paid your LIC Premium, now is the time to do so. LIC provides a grace period of fifteen days and a month from the due date. However, if you do not make the payment on time, you will be penalized with a late fee. To avoid late payments, follow these steps. Once you have completed these steps, you will have ample time to pay your LIC Premium.

First, go to your LIC account. There are several options you can choose from. You can select the Policy Status option. Here, you will see a list of all enrolled policies and the dates they are due. You can add a policy by clicking on its number and then going to the policy details page. Once you have added your policies, you will have access to a variety of information about them, including the amount owed.

You will also find the policy’s premium due calendar in the Services Account. This will tell you when to make the payment and how much time you have left. You can add all your enrolled policies to the account at once. Then, click on the policy number to see the details. Once you’ve added your policies, you’ll get a detailed list of each. This is the best way to pay your LIC Premiums and stay up to date on your payments.